My French Platter
I loved that her she and her husband were on the same page – both ready for a new adventure.
After researching their options to live and work in France, Annemarie, and her husband Steve apply for a role as property minders for a 15th century farmhouse in Southwest France with owners based in London. The photos of the house and property were the stuff of fantasy for them.
The book weaves its way through their arrival at the property and the cold hard reality of what they had signed up for. It was not as the photos showed and the couple face a property where the previous managers had walked out leaving linen on the bed, towels on the floor and the kitchen and rest of the house filthy. Who would leave a property like that?
The kiwi couple tackle the problems head on. Weeks are spent cleaning the inside and outsides and getting the garden back under control. It was certainly not the situation they envisaged but you try to make best of it.
Slowly issues with the property owners start to emerge; they are uncommunicative, demanding, and petty.
What would you do?
Whilst the ‘property minders’ side of their lives is increasingly challenging; the welcoming local community is the other side of the coin. Friendships and support are offered, invitations, events and exploring the area help Annemarie and Steve cope with their disappointments.
The story flows naturally and you get a feel of the author and their lives in a small French community which they love. This book has it all – it’s easy to read, has recipes at the back for the wonderful sounding meals they create for guests and enough drama to keep you turning the pages.
I have since read the next two books in the series (one still French based, one London based) and have just got the 4th book (More Late Life Adventures in London and Beyond). I had to read them all to find out what happens next!!
Well done Annemarie on putting pen to paper here to share our stories. I felt we could sit down to have a meal together and the talk would just go on for ever. I am sure we will someday…
Book 2 - My French Platter Replenished
Book 3 - Late Life Adventures in London and Beyond
Book 4 - More Late Life Adventures in London and Beyond